Nutrition Goes To School Subah Community (NGTS Subah) of Sambas District, West Kalimantan, held its second community meeting on September 12, 2023. This meeting was held at Satai Trans D Elementary School 07, with the theme “Sharing Experiences in School Garden Development”. This activity was attended by representatives of teachers and principals of NGTS Subah community members, namely Talenta Sungai Kajang Elementary School, Sabung Setanggak Elementary School 08, Trans Sabung Elementary School 14, Satai Trans D Elementary School 07, Sungai Enau-Mejo Elementary School 19, and Satai B Elementary School 11. In addition, the member of the parents’ forum for each class, the school committee, and all students of Satai Trans D Elementary School 07 also participated in this activity.

The activity began with aerobic exercise by all participants, using NGTS gymnastic movements created by community members. Then remarks were given by Mrs. Amin Noriah as the Principal of Satai Trans D Elementary School 07 as the host and remarks from Mr. Armansyah as the School Supervisor of the Sambas District Education and Culture Office. On this occasion, certificates and prizes were also awarded to the winners of competitions previously held at the first community meeting this year, namely Nizam from Satai Trans D Elementary School 07, as the winner of the Student Nutrition Ambassador Competition and Satai Trans D Elementary School 07, as the winner of the NGTS Aerobic Exercise Creation Competition.

Remarks by Mrs. Amin Noriah, School Principal of Satai Trans D Elementary School 07 and Remarks by Mr. Armansyah, School Supervisor of Sambas District Education and Culture Office

NGTS Aerobic Exercise

Awarding of Certificates and Prizes to the Winners of Student Nutrition Ambassador Competition and NGTS Aerobic Exercise Creation Competition

Then the participants visited the school garden (Kebun Tanaman Obat Keluarga/TOGA garden) at Satai Trans D Elementary School 07. The community members together participated in planting various types of medicinal plants that had been prepared. In addition to the TOGA garden, Satai Trans D Elementary School 07 also has a class garden, starting from grade 1 to grade 6, which is planted with various vegetables that are cared for and managed by students and class forum administrators. The community members also discuss directly with the garden manager on how to manage the garden so that the vegetables can grow well. Vegetables from this school garden can also be directly harvested and purchased by community members. It can be seen that the community members are very enthusiastic because they can directly harvest fresh vegetables in the garden.

Gardening Activities and Harvesting Garden Products

This series of meetings between NGTS Subah Community Members ended with lunch together in the garden with mats and food served directly on banana leaves. The menu for this lunch was processed vegetables from the school garden such as kale, spinach, etc. In addition to vegetables, there was also a tilapia fish menu, which was the result of a fish pond owned by one of the teachers at Satai Trans D Elementary School 07.

Lunch Together with School Garden Products

This activity became an extraordinary experience for NGTS Subah Community Members because they could feel the direct benefits of the NGTS Program activities and became a pride for being able to run the program well.

NGTS Subah Community Member