SEAMEO RECFON currently published three reference books on Best Practices in the Nutrition Goes to School Program in Indonesian Primary School, Junior High School, and Senior High School. This book consists of activities and efforts during the implementation of NGTS program in 7 location focus which get technical assistance from SEAMEO RECFON, such as Bogor District and Bogor City, Cimahi City, Cirebon City, Jakarta Province, Klaten District, Malang District, and Sambas District. Furthermore, this book also captures the best practices of NGTS program beyond location focus of SEAMEO RECFON such as Gunung Sitoli City, Sragen District, Sukabumi City, Bojonegoro District, Pati District, Tegal District, and Pasuruan District.

This book contains information from 12 primary schools, 12 junior high schools, and 14 senior high schools which consists of the school profiles, summary of the program, challenges and solutions, as well as the key factors of the NGTS program implementation in each school. The best practices are classified based on the main components of NGTS program: 1) nutrition education (dietary intake practices, physical activity, and personal hygiene); 2) healthy school canteen; 3) school garden; and 4) nutrition and entrepreneurship (for vocational school).

The best practices are based on the opinions of school principals and teachers from the selected schools given their existing situations and the perspectives of assistance team from SEAMEO RECFON during NGTS program implementation. This book is expected to raise awareness and gain commitment from other schools to conduct school health and nutrition programs through optimalization of their existing resources, stakeholders, and networks.

This book has been translated in two languages version, Indonesian version which is currently published and English version which will be published soon.

NGTS Best Practices in Primary Schools     NGTS Best Practices in Junior High Schools  NGTS Best Practices in Senior High Schools