Fifty school teachers from 26 public and private junior high schools in Malang City received an orientation on the Nutrition Goes to School Program (NGTS) on 27 February 2024 via online mode. SEAMEO RECFON organized this event in collaboration with Brawijaya University and the Local Education and Culture Office to promote the NGTS program to the target schools in Malang City and determine their readiness to implement it.. The event was moderated by Mr. Yusuf Habibie, M.Sc from the Faculty of Health Sciences, Brawijaya University.
This socialization commenced with remarks from Mr. Suwarjana, S.E., M.M, Head of Education and Culture Office, Malang City. Mr. Suwarjana emphasized the importance of nutrition and health in education. “The healthiness of students must be our priority, thus it should be supported by a healthy and enjoyable school environment, so the students can feel comfortable at school”, he added.
The second remarks was delivered by Prof. Dian Handayani, S.K.M., M.Kes., Ph.D, the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Brawijaya University. She highlighted the importance of nutrition education in achieving AWESOME students (Active, Well Nourished, and Smart OF ME).
The event was officially opened by Dr. dr. Herqutanto, M.P.H., M.A.R.S, Director of SEAMEO RECFON. Dr. Herqu firmly stated, “Since there are still numerous health and nutrition problems among schools in Indonesia, SEAMEO RECFON wishes that all of the school community (i.e. school principals, teachers, and students) can be actively involved in NGTS Program implementation to achieve optimal nutritional status for students”.
The orientation on SEAMEO RECFON and NGTS Program was delivered by Ms. Aisyah Nurcita Dewi, M.Gizi. She mentioned that SEAMEO RECFON employs the DeSPIS Demand-Supply-Policy-Information System) approach in implementing the program. The Demand refers to fostering healthier lifestyles through nutrition education. Supply means ensuring healthy food availability at schools and homes as well as relevant information about proper nutrition. The policy is defined as supporting action from school management to improve health and nutrition practices among school community members. The information system focuses on ensuring that NGTS Program implementation in school is properly documented to keep track of progress.
To motivate the participants on the actual implementation of the NGTS Program, Mrs. Wiwik Widati, M.Pd, shared her experiences as part of the NGTS Team of SMAN 1 Singosari. She conveyed that her school started to implement the NGTS Program in 2017 after receiving an orientation SEAMEO RECFON. She added that the teamwork of the teachers, parents, students, and school staff as well as the commitment and support from the school management plays a pivotal role in the implementation of the NGTS Program, otherwise, it would be ineffective. She was proud to share with the audience that her school received an award from SEAMEO RECFON and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in reaching the institutionalization phase of the NGTS Program.
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